Out of Many One



Collaborative Humanitarian Endeavor

Bring all people together through Compassion, Mercy, Justice and Peace.

Moderate and Mitigate Extremists Views:

Promotion of moderation and constructive goals for at-risk Muslim youth. Parent and teachers are in the best position to notice that a youth is exhibiting tendencies that could be harmful. In this situation, this organization would be available to provide necessary religious counseling and guidance.

Education Leading to Peace and Understanding:

Includes Outreach to reduce prejudice by counteracting misinformation and disinformation.

Nurture those suffering:

Focus on alleviating pain, violence and all forms of prejudice in an effort to bring relief to the troubled, downtrodden, mentally ill and emotionally scarred.

Do No Harm, Promote Co-Existence:

Work to end hatred, animosity, misunderstanding, violence, harm, prejudice, disrespect, or environmental destruction while promoting peace among warring factions and parties around the world. Demonizing others only causes more harm and suffering. It is of utmost importantance for all people, especially religious sects or political groups, to unite behind the purpose of ending animosity and demonization.